Monday, November 2, 2009

The greatness of Jonathan Woodward

The second interview/podcast that I listened to on Escape From Illustration Island
was with Jonathan Woodward, who is not only an incredibly talented collage-based illustrator- look at his work here!- but who is also documenting his ongoing progress in his quest to transition to a full-time freelance illustrator on this blog, zero 2 illo. He also seems like a genuine, generous nice guy. Good luck, and thanks, Jonathan Woodward!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amanda,

    Thanks so much for featuring me on your blog - what a lovely surprise, you made my week with your kind words and especially the title of your post :)

    I really enjoyed looking at your beautiful work too - I especially like the way you illustrate birds, gorgeous stuff.

    Good luck with your children's book - it's looking great so far.

