Saturday, April 2, 2011


I always intend to post more frequently.  I recently realized that one of the factors in my failing to do so is my tendency to put it off until I have 'more' or 'enough' material- be it  news, sketches or interesting thoughts.  The past couple of weeks have been extremely busy, and I haven't had a lot of time to work on projects, alas.  I did do some more sketches, though, developing the idea of depicting the four seasons symbolically (inspired by the IF drawing in the last post, which suggested to me an interesting embodiment of 'summer').  I completed a sketch of 'spring' that I'm quite happy with, and did a few for 'winter' that I'm completely annoyed with.  Typically, I am tempted to wait to post an entry until I have that elusive 'more'- in this case, another sketch that I like.  I am not, however, going to wait as I so often do- in spite of the nagging inner voice that says 'that's not enough, only one drawing? that's not very interesting' etc., I'm going to post the one thing that I'm willing to show.  Here it is, 'spring':

Winter and autumn soon to come (perhaps one at a time, even)!

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